User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Adjusting the volume of the navi-
gation announcements .................... 30
Alternative route .............................. 97
Avoiding an area ............................ 120
Basic settings .................................. 64
Blocking a route section affected
by a traffic jam ................................. 96
Compass function .......................... 122
Destination memory ...................... 106
Displaying destination informa-
tion (arrival time, distance to des-
tination) ........................................... 98
Dynamic route guidance/TMC ....... 103
Entering/saving your home
address ............................................ 69
Entering a destination ...................... 65
Entering a destination by address .... 65
Entering a destination using the
map ................................................. 73
Entering a POI .................................. 78
Entering characters (character bar) . 36
General notes .................................. 62
GPS reception .................................. 62
Important safety notes .................... 62
Lane recommendation ..................... 93
List of areas ................................... 121
Map settings .................................. 111
Motorway information ................... 116
Off-road/off-map (off-road desti-
nation) ........................................... 102
Previous destinations .................... 110
Repeating announcements .............. 95
Route guidance ................................ 90
Selecting a destination from the
destination memory ......................... 71
Selecting a destination from the
list of last destinations ..................... 72
Selecting your home address ........... 71
Setting options for destination/
route download .............................. 194
Setting route options (avoiding:
motorways, toll roads, tunnels,
ferries) ............................................. 64
Setting the route type (short
route, fast route, dynamic route or
economic route) ............................... 64
Showing/hiding the menu ............... 63
Starting route calculation ................ 68
Switching announcements on/off ... 95
Switching on .................................... 63
Navigation announcements
Switching off .................................... 30
Night View Assist Plus
Showing the image on the
COMAND display ............................. 58
North orientation (navigation) ......... 113
Off-map .............................................. 102
Off-road .............................................. 102
Online and Internet functions
Ending the connection ................... 179
Establishing/ending the connec-
tion ................................................ 178
Further Mercedes-Benz Apps ......... 195
Manually setting the access data
of the mobile phone network pro-
vider .............................................. 175
Mercedes-Benz Mobile Website ..... 195
Options menu ................................ 191
Resetting adjustments ................... 195
Selecting options for the local
search ............................................ 191
Selecting options for the weather
display ........................................... 192
Selecting the access data of the
mobile phone network provider ..... 173
Setting options for destination/
route download .............................. 194
Specifying the ID for the download 194
Pause function
Audio mode (CD, DVD, MP3) ......... 219
Video DVD ..................................... 262
Personal POIs
Acoustic notification ........................ 84
Calling up the menu ......................... 83