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6.2 Precautions about Replacement
6.2.1 Slot position (system setting)
When the motion module (A172SENC) used in A-Motion is replaced with a QDS-Motion controller, the
slot position for installing the motion module will change as follows. (For the QDS-Motion, motion modules
(Q172DLX, Q172DEX, Q173DPX) cannot be installed on the CPU slot and the I/O slot 0 to 2.)
Example) Place A172SENC in slot 0 in A-Motion
Convert A172SHCPU to Q173DSCPU
A172SHCPU to Q173DSCPU (Slot 0), A172SENC to Q172DLX (Slot 1)
If executing relative check in above screen, the following error will occur.
To clear errors, install motion modules (Q172DLX, Q172DEX, Q173DPX) on Slot 3 or later of the main
base unit.
When an A program is converted to a Q program, A172SENC is automatically converted to Q172DLX.
When Q172DEX or Q173DPX is used with QDS-Motion, change and add modules.
A172SENC is arranged in Slot 0.
Q172DLX is arranged in Slot 1.
Arrange motion modules to be
used on Slot 3 or later of the
main base unit.