User Manual

As a leading company in the industry, Mitsubishi Electric has a proud history in the
manufacturing and supply of leading edge electrical and electronic equipment for both
domestic and commercial use. Our efforts to make indoor life more comfortable began in 1921,
with the introduction of our first electric fan which became an instant hit. Some 10 years later
we began to manufacture coolers, which were just as popular.
Our commitment to quality service, research and development has helped us gain a leading
position in today’s marketplace in a wide variety of areas including heating, cooling and air
conditioning. Mitsubishi Electric’s ‘today technology’ provides controlled comfort wherever you
live, work and relax.
Whether it’s consistent heating and cooling for the home or office, Mitsubishi Electric offers you
state-of-the-art technology that is quiet, simple to use, energy efficient and above all, reliable.
Why Choose
Mitsubishi Electric?