User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Message Possible cause and solution
Allowed credit
• Allowed credit limit has already been reached
• Allowed credit limit is reached during an outgoing
call (the call is then cancelled).
• Destination number is being used
Call failed
• Caller’s phone is turned off
• Number is out of order or unreachable
• Network system is busy or does not answer
• Option to hide your phone number when calling is
not supported by the network
• CUG is in use and the call is not allowed or not
recognized by the network
• Control and verification of CUG parameters not
confirmed, or CUG availability on network
Cancelled. No type
• Cell broadcast activation has been requested but no
message type is selected
Cannot execute
• Cannot perform request in the current call situation
Can't display
• Characters not recognized, incorrect format of
short message text
Check SIM!
• No SIM is present or the SIM is incorrectly inserted.
See page 6 for more details
Check your password
• Call barring password was changed
• Call barring service status was changed
• Entered password is incorrect
Check your request
• Your request for a service cannot be fulfilled
Check your
• You have no subscription for requested network
service. Check your subscription regarding the
related service use rights or access
CUG call failed
• CUG (Closed user group) call is rejected because the
network does not recognize the CUG parameters
• Dialed number is not in the same CUG
• Dialed number has no CUG association
• Network cannot perform your request
• An SMS message cannot be sent
Incorrect entry
• Character string has a syntax error
Invalid number
• Network does not recognize the phone number
• Phone number is too long to be stored or moved to
the selected location