
System Integration: LonWorks
and BACnet
The CMCN supports integration with Building Management
Systems (BMS) via our LonWorks
and BACnet
The Mitsubishi Electric HVAC LonWorks
interface, LMAP03U,
supports up to 50 indoor units with a variety of network variables
on a per indoor unit basis. Input variables include, but are not
limited to, On/Off, Operation Mode, Fan Speed, Prohibit Remote
Controller, and Filter Sign Reset. Output variables include but
are not limited to Model Size, Alarm State, Error Code,
and Error Address.
The Mitsubishi Electric HVAC BACnet interface, (SW-BACnet),
is compliant with BACnet/IP (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995, 135a)
and UDP/IP of Ethernet (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995, 135b).
Our BACnet interface requires a dedicated networked computer
configured with the BACnet interface software and the BACnet
software license per AG-150/GB-50, licensed by Mitsubishi
Electric HVAC. A maximum of 10 AG-150/GB-50 Centralized
Controllers are supported via the BACnet PC for a maximum
of 500 indoor units for BACnet integrations.