
Whenever an audible alert is requested by the BSM system,
the radio is also muted.
When the system is in RCP, the system will respond with
both visual and audible alerts when a detected object is
present. Whenever an audible alert is requested, the radio is
also muted. Turn/hazard signal status is ignored; the RCP
state always requests the chime.
Blind Spot Alert Off
When the BSM system is turned off, there will be a related
message on instrument cluster display. If BSM system is off,
this message will be visualized every time the vehicle is
The BSM system will store the current operating mode when
the vehicle is shut off. Each time the vehicle is started the
previously stored mode will be recalled and used.
Blind Spot Monitoring Fault Warnings
Sensor Blinded
In the case of a sensor that is blinded:
BSM Mirror Warning Lights are turned on continuously
A instrument cluster dedicated message will display
The rear bumper must be clean and free of any obstructing
System Not Available
In the case of the system being temporary unavailable:
BSM Mirror Warning Lights are turned on continuously
A instrument cluster dedicated message will display
In the case of the system being completely unavailable:
A chime will sound
A instrument cluster dedicated message will display
Vehicle must be taken to the nearest authorized dealer for
20_BV_OM_EN_US_t.book Page 176