
The SABICs may help reduce the risk of partial or complete
ejection of vehicle occupants through side windows in
certain side impact events.
Side Impacts
The Side Air Bags are designed to activate in certain side
impacts. The Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC) deter-
mines whether the deployment of the Side Air Bags in a
particular impact event is appropriate, based on the severity
and type of collision. The side impact sensors aid the ORC in
determining the appropriate response to impact events. The
system is calibrated to deploy the Side Air Bags on the
impact side of the vehicle during impacts that require Side
Air Bag occupant protection. In side impacts, the Side Air
Bags deploy independently; a left side impact deploys the
left Side Air Bags only and a right-side impact deploys the
right Side Air Bags only. Vehicle damage by itself is not a
good indicator of whether or not Side Air Bags should have
The Side Air Bags will not deploy in all side collisions,
including some collisions at certain angles, or some side
collisions that do not impact the area of the passenger
compartment. The Side Air Bags may deploy during angled
or offset frontal collisions where the front air bags deploy.
Side Air Bags are a supplement to the seat belt restraint
system. Side Air Bags deploy in less time than it takes to
blink your eyes.
Do not mount equipment, or stack luggage or other
cargo up high enough to block the deployment of the
SABICs. The trim covering above the side windows
where the SABIC and its deployment path are located
should remain free from any obstructions.
In order for the SABICs to work as intended, do not
install any accessory items in your vehicle which could
alter the roof. Do not add an aftermarket sunroof to
your vehicle. Do not add roof racks that require perma-
nent attachments (bolts or screws) for installation on
the vehicle roof. Do not drill into the roof of the vehicle
for any reason.
Occupants, including children, who are up against or
very close to Side Air Bags can be seriously injured or
killed. Occupants, including children, should never
lean on or sleep against the door, side windows, or area
where the side air bags inflate, even if they are in an
infant or child restraint.
20_BV_OM_EN_US_t.book Page 213