
4.4 Method for Specifying Data
4.4.6 Time data
4.4.6 Time data
Time data are used in time type operation instructions of application functions.
Specify time data in the T#10d20h30m40s567ms form.
For example. the following adds ‘1 Day, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes, and 4 Seconds’ to ‘10 Days, 20
Hours, 30 Minutes, 40 Seconds, and 567 Milliseconds’.
Each value of time data can be specified within the following range.
Table 4.4.6-1 Allowable specification range of time data
For application functions, refer to the following manuals.
MELSEC-Q/L Structured Programming Manual (Application Functions)
FXCPU Structured Programming Manual [Application Functions]
Value Range
d (Day) 0 to 24
h (Hour) 0 to 23
m (Minute) 0 to 59
s (Second) 0 to 59
ms (Millisecond) 0 to 999
T#10d20h30m40s567ms g_time1