
5.1 ST
5.1.4 Calling functions in ST language
(10) EXIT syntax
(a) Format
(b) Description
The EXIT syntax is used only in iteration syntax to end the iteration syntax in a middle of
the process.
When the EXIT syntax is reached during the execution of the iteration loop, the iteration
loop process after the EXIT syntax is not executed. The process continues from the line
after the one where the iteration syntax is ended.
(c) Example
5.1.4 Calling functions in ST language
The following description is used to call a function in the ST language.
Enclose the arguments by '( )' after the function name.
When using multiple variables, delimit them by ','.
The execution result of the function is stored by assigning the result to the variables.
1) Calling a function with one input variable (Example: ABS)
2) Calling a function with three input variables (Example: MAX)
3) Calling a function with EN/ENO (Example: MOV)
For a function with EN/ENO, the result of the function execution is ENO, and
the first argument (Variable 1) is EN.
Function name (Variable1, Variable2, ...);
Output1 := ABS(Input1);
Output1 := MAX(Input1, Input2, Input3);
boolENO := MOV(boolEN, Input1, Output1);