Owners Manual

If the rear differential lock is used by
mistake when driving on
a paved
road: With the rear differential lock
on, the power to drive the vehicle
straight ahead becomes very strong,
which may make it difficult to turn
the steering wheel.
If the rear differential lock
is used by mis-
take when turning a curve or making a
right or left turn at a crossing or the like:
The vehicle is unable to make a turn and
may go straight ahead.
If the rear differential lock
is used by mis-
take except when making an emergency
escape on snow or frozen road: It be-
comes difficult to make a steady turn.
In the case where the condition of the
road is different for the right tyre to
drive from the left tyre (such as one tyre
on a paved road and the other on ice), di-
rection of the vehicle may change abrupt-
ly when engine braking or accelerating.
Do not use the rear differential lock ex-
cept when making an emergency escape
on a snow or frozen road, but drive with
Starting and driving
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