Owners Manual

5. The voice guide will say “Home, work, mo-
bile or other?” Select and say the location
where the telephone number you want to
change or add is registered.
When the confirmation function is on, the sys-
tem will check the target name and location
again. Answer “Yes” if you want to continue
with the editing.
Answer “No” to return to Step 3.
6. The voice guide will say “Number please.”
Say the telephone number you want to register.
If the telephone number is already registered
in the selected location, the voice guide will
say “The current number is <current num-
ber>. New number, please.” Say a new tele-
phone number to change the current number.
7. The voice guide will repeat the telephone
When the confirmation function is on, the sys-
tem will ask if the number is correct. Answer
Answer “No” to return to Step 3.
8. Once the telephone number is registered, the
voice guide will say “Number saved” and
then the system will return to the main menu.
If the location where a telephone number
was already registered has been overwritten
with a new number, the voice guide will say
“Number changed” and then the system will
return to the main menu.
[Editing a name]
1. Press the SPEECH button.
2. Say “Phone book.”
3. The voice guide will say “Select one of the
following: new entry, edit number, edit
name, list names, delete, erase all, or import
contact.” Say “Edit name.”
4. The voice guide will say “Please say the
name of the entry you would like to edit, or
say list names.” Say the name you want to edit.
Say “List names,” and the names registered
in the phone book will be read out in order.
Refer to “Vehicle phone book: Listening to
the list of registered names” on page 5-60.
5. The voice guide will say “Changing <name>.”
When the confirmation function is on, the sys-
tem will ask if the name is correct. Answer
“Yes” if you want to continue with the edit-
ing based on this information.
Answer “No” to return to Step 4.
6. The voice guide will say “Name please.” Say
the new name you want to register.
7. The registered name will be changed.
When the change is complete, the system
will return to the main menu.
[Listening to the list of registered names]
1. Press the SPEECH button.
2. Say “Phone book.”
3. The voice guide will say “Select one of the
following: new entry, edit number, edit
name, list names, delete, erase all, or import
contact.” Say “List names.”
2.0 interface will read out the en-
tries in the phone book in order.
5. When the voice guide is done reading the
list, it will say “End of list, would you like to
start from the beginning?”
When you want to check the list again from
the beginning, answer “Yes.”
When you are done, answer “No” to return to
the previous or main menu.
You can call, edit or delete a name that is be-
ing read out.
Press the SPEECH button and say “Call” to
call the name, “Edit name” to edit it, or “De-
lete” to delete it.
The system will beep and then execute your
If you press the SPEECH button and say “Con-
tinue” or “Previous” while the list is being
read, the system will advance or rewind the
list. Say “Continue” to proceed to the next en-
try or “Previous” to return to the previous en-
[Deleting a telephone number]
1. Press the SPEECH button.
2. Say “Phone book.”
3. The voice guide will say “Select one of the
following: new entry, edit number, edit
name, list names, delete, erase all, or import
contact.” Say “Delete.”
4. The voice guide will say “Please say the
name of the entry you would like to delete,
or say list names.” Say the name of the
phone book entry in which the telephone num-
ber you want to delete is registered.
For pleasant driving
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