Installation Guide

Document Version: 11 25 | P a g e
© 2016 MiX Telematics International (Pty) Ltd.
o Identify possible CAN busses by looking for twisted pair wires in the vehicle.
o With the vehicle’s ignition turned on, measure the voltages relative to ground on each of the wires
using a multi-meter.
o For CAN, the voltage readings of the two wires should be very similar (usually 2.5V), with
CAN-H likely to read only slightly higher than CAN-L.
o The actual data can be probed using an oscilloscope.
o With a properly configured 3
party CAN tool, like the Vector CANcaseXL, the actual data can be
o CAN Baud rates of 250kb/s (SAE J1939) and 500kb/s are the most common.
13.1.2 Wire lengths
The CAN stub wires between the MiX 4000 and the vehicle’s bus should be no longer than 1m. Excessive
wire length may cause interference with the vehicle’s normal operation.
13.1.3 CAN jumper settings
Refer to Figure 7 and the table on the next page:
Figure 7: Position of jumpers on the PCB.
Warning: It is very important to ensure that these jumper settings are correct at installation time.
If these jumpers are set incorrectly it is possible that when a new configuration or script is downloaded
to the MiX 4000, it could bring down the CAN bus of the vehicle and interfere with the operation of the
Conduct ESD precautions as described in section 4.4.