User's Manual

Setting Bluetooth Configurations For Handsets
After Bluetooth software is installed, please go to Start and then choose Programs. Select
Bluetooth Handset Manager.
Click the first button on the right to see MA-730 Bluetooth Properties.
Note: Users of certain Bluetooth handsets will need to manually setup Bluetooth installation and connection,
please pay attention to the messages appearing on the Bluetooth handsets.
Activate Bluetooth Manager
Step 1. Check Default Passkey
Check and make a note of the Default Passkey of MA-730 Bluetooth. The manufacturer def
default passkey is required durin
the Bluetooth pairin
process. Most of the Bluetooth handset
input the passkey during the pairing process.
1 頁,共 11 Config handset
2007/4/23file://C:\Documents and Settings\RF-ASSISTANT\Local Settings\Temp\~hh518F.htm