User Manual

Published: 07/20/11
Version 2.4
48 of 65
Product Directory
Finding/Searching a Product
The Product Directory screen allows users to search for products located within iRISupply™. The Product
Directory provides an exhaustive list of all products contained within iRISupply™. The Product Directory
will indicate the location of the particular product as well as its current quantity on hand (even if it is located
in a separate physical cluster).
The Product Directory screen can be accessed from one of two methods. First, the Product Directory screen can
be accessed via the ‘Product Directory’ icon located on the bottom portion of the Cabinet Access and Status
Change screen. Secondly, the Product Directory screen can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Product Directory’
button on the Patient List screen. (Note: The ‘Product Directory’ button will not be present if the ‘Open
Case’ button is enabled.)