User Manual

4.1 Reprocessing Station Overview
Scopes are seldom discarded after use with a single patient but are preferably
reused on the same patient or with other patients. To prevent infection associated
with scopes, cleansing techniques become imperative.
The Reprocessing Station is a location where a multi-step cleansing process is used
to remove contaminated substances from the scope and render it safe for reuse. In
order to ensure adherence to the multiple steps receiving scopes at the
reprocessing station, loading scopes into the washer, unloading the washer
incorporates a high level of supervision for reprocessing. Any deviation
from the process or any delay in the process is notified by the intelligent iRISCOPE
system via alerts sent to managerial personnel.
Components of the iRISCOPE
system — splash proof touch screen monitor and an
RFID scanner are positioned at the reprocessing station in proximity to the
washer. A correlation is established between each unique scope that is cleansed, the
operator handling the scope, and the washer where the scope is cleansed.
User Guide