User's Manual

Published: 07/20/11
Version 2.4
20 of 65
Search or Re-sort Patient List?
If the Patient List screen is not formatted to your liking, you can
either re-sort the information, or search for a patient using
specific parameters.
To sort, go to Step 6.
To search, go to Step 7.
Click on the 'Sort/Filter' button. See
Section 2.2 for additional information.
To re-sort the data on the Patient List screen, click on the
‘Sort/Filter’ button. Please see Section 2.2 for additional details.
When you have selected a patient, proceed to Step 8.
Click on the ‘Search’ button. See
Section 2.3 for additional information.
To search the Patient List, click on the ‘Search’ button. Proceed
to Section 2.3 for additional details. When you have selected a
patient, proceed to Step 8.