User's Manual

Published: 07/20/11
Version 2.4
27 of 65
Patient Record Found?
Did you find the patient record you were looking for? If so,
proceed to Step #9. If the record you were looking for was not
found, proceed to Step #13.
Select Patient
When you have found your patient record, select it.
The screen will highlight the record you have selected.
Return to 'Selecting A Patient'
Workflow. See Section 2.1 for
additional information.
Once you have selected a patient, return to ‘Selecting A Patient’
Workflow. Please see section 2.1 for more detailed information.
Click on the ‘Close’ button.
If you do not wish to re-sort the data on the Patient List screen,
touch the ‘Close’ button.
Return to Previous Page.
By selecting the ‘Close’ button, you will be taken back to the
previous screen.
Re-sort or Search for Patient.
If you have not found the patient you were searching for, you may
either re-sort the data, or search for a particular patient.
If you wish to re-sort the patient data, go back to Step #3.
If you wish to search for the patient, go to Step #14.