User's Manual

MobileHelp Customer Support 1-877-827-6207
Once you push the red emergency button on your Base Station, the Base Station
will say “test call sent to emergency response center” several times.
Next, you will hear an announcement thanking you for testing your device.
And finally it will say “user auto-test completed.”
If you did push your help button when prompted to do so and the Base Station
announced “user auto-test failed, please contact support” please contact our
technical support department at 1-877-827-6207.
If you did not push your button when prompted to do so, the Base Station will still
announce “user auto-test failed, please contact support.” However, since you did not
push your button when prompted to do so, there is no reason to contact support.
The Cellular Base Station and Mobile Device will both be on auto test mode which
does not connect you to a live operator.
The Base Station will instruct you to “press emergency button or pendant.”
If you press your neck pendant or wrist button, the Base Station will say “test call
sent to emergency response center” several times and your Mobile Device will