User's Manual

User Manual
-View: View the content of the current MMS.
-Send: Send the current MMS.
-Edit: Edit the current MMS.
-Delete: Delete the current MMS.
-Delete All: Delete all the contents in the draft box.
-Save as template: Save the MMS as template.
-Properties: View the details of the current MMS.
-Use details: Extract the phone number of the receiver of the
Sent items: Save the messages that have been sent
-View: View the sent MMS.
-Message Details: View the details of the current MMS.
-Forward: Forward the current MMS to others.
-Delete: Delete the current MMS.
-Delete All: Delete all the contents in the sent items.
MMS settings: Set
the relative
parameters of MMS
sending and receiving.
-Compose:Some relative patameter settings on MMS
-Send: Some relative parameter settings on MMS sending.
For example, Within Use Term, Send Report, Read Report,
Priority, Interval and Sending Time etc.
-Retrieve: Some relative parameter settings during MMS
receiving. For example, Main Network, Roaming Network,
Send Read Report and Allowed to Send Report etc.
-Filter: Filter some MMS.
-Server profile: Select the appropriate server.
-Memory status: View the capacity information of the
Chat room info: Select a chatting room, and set the nickname
and the concerned phone number who will chat with you.
Start new: Input the message, and start to chat with the preset
phone number.
Voice mail sever