User Manual MODSTER Super Cub S2
22 www.modster.at
Find a Flight Field
Based on the size and weight of the plane it is typically considered to be a "park yer"
class airplane. As a result it is best to y the plane at a local park, schoolyard, ying eld
or other area that is large enough and free of people and obstructions. We recommend
and area the size of at least one football/soccer eld. However, even larger areas are
better suited and preferred especially when learning how to y. Do NOT y in parking
lots, crowded neighborhood areas or in areas that are not free of people or obstructions.
NOTE: This checklist is NOT intended to replace the content included in this instruction
manual. Althought it can be used as a quick start guide, we strongly suggest that read all
though the manual completely before proceeding.
- Always turn the transmitter on rst.
- Ensure the throttle control stick is at bottom position before connecting the battery.
- Fly the model(hand-launch or take off from a at/level surface).
- Land the model(on a at/level surface).
- Unplug the battery from ESC.
- Always turn off the transmitter last.
Flight Checklist
Propeller Saver Instruction
The propeller saver keeps the propeller
from damage, and prevent the electronic
components from over current.
When the airplane hits any obstacle, the
propeller will loose from the base. To install the
propeller back to the base, insert one end of
the propeller to the base as step 1. Then click
the other end of the propeller to the base as
step 2.
Follow below steps to replace broken propeller
and shaft adaptor. You will need help from
these tools (not included): screw drifer, Pliers
and glue.
1. take off the glued spinner carefully.
2. Loosen the screw with screw driver.
3. Replace the propeller if it is broken.
4. Loosen the shaft adaptor and replace it if it
is broken. If the shaft adaptor is too tight, use
help from the pliers.
5. Install all parts back by Inverted orders,