User's Guide

8. Copy the .UF2 file onto this Mass Storage Device. If successful the Mass Storage
Device will disappear.
Putting Glove80 into Bootloader for firmware loading
The bootloader is the piece of software that runs immediately after you turn on a Glove80 half.
Normally it will simply pass the control over to the ZMK firmware. However it also has the ability
to load new ZMK firmware by presenting a USB mass storage device.
There are two ways to put Glove80 into the bootloader mass storage device mode for firmware
Entering bootloader mass storage device mode from ZMK
The simplest way is to use the key mapping on the ZMK key layout by activating the
&bootloader behavior on the half of the Glove80 that you want to load new firmware.
On the default key layout, you can do so by
Pressing Magic + Esc for the left half
Pressing Magic + ‘ for the right half
Entering bootloader mass storage device mode on power-up
However if the ZMK firmware is corrupted, or if the key layout has assigned no keys to the
&bootloader behavior, there is a fallback option.
Pae 22 Glove80 User Guide