User manual

SECTION 3: Dirty Boy Amp’s Features and Functions.
1. Variac Dial Control. This controls the power level of the overall amp. When the Variac
control is set to 100%, the power amp section of the amp is able to produce 100 watts of
power. Setting the Variac at lower then 100% will yield lower power levels at the power amp
section. See Understanding the Variac above to learn more about Variac functions.
2. Guitar Input. This is the single input for your instrument. This input is intended for standard
instrument input signals.
3. Boost Gain. The boost gain is functional only when in the boost mode. The gain control
effectively creates a stronger drive signal feeding from one stage into another. This will cause
asymmetrical distortion to occur if turned up over half way. This control is dependent on the
guitar volume control as well and will yield greater distortion if the guitar volume control is turn
up over half way.
4. Deep Switch. The Deep Switch only works when in the boost mode. If the Switch is turned
on, there will be greater bass response from the boost channel. This may be very useful for
single coil guitars. If you are using a humbucker pickup and would like to get a thicker sound,
reduce the “Bass” tone control so as not to overload the bass frequencies with the deep
switch engaged. When the Deep Switch is turned off, there is a stronger emphasis on the
upper mids and treble frequencies. This is great for cutting through on leads.
5. Boost Volume. This controls the over all boost level and volume as the control implies. There
is a larger boost signal present at the phase driver. this control acts like a master volume
when in the boost mode. You can turn up your guitar volume and boost gain to obtain an
overdrive tone while keeping the volume low by reducing the boost volume control for lower
over all output. This works well if coupled with the Variac set to a lower power level as well. A
very high gain at low volume can be obtained. In standard operation mode, you would use the
boost gain to set the over all level of the boost as needed.
6. Boost Switch. This will turn the boost on or off. Off is normal and the boost controls are
7. Foot Switch. The foot switch allows the user to turn on and off the boost circuit by way of foot
switch. The boost foot switch requires a three conductor cable using a 1/4 phone jack. The
phone jack needs to have ring, tip and sleeve contacts. Two conductor switches will not work.
8. Guitar Volume. This is the main volume for your instrument. The volume controls the over all
gain of the amp. With the Variac set to low power your volume control will create a larger
drive signal and thereby drive the amp into distortion. If the Variac is set to a greater power
level or to full power, the volume can be set to a lower setting for clean sounds.
9. Treble. Use this control to add or subtract treble frequencies to the sound.
10.Midrange. Use this control to add or subtract midrange frequencies to the sound.
11. Bass. Use this to add or subtract bass frequencies to the sound.
12. Presence. This control sets the extent of the treble control effectiveness and will brighten
the sound at the top of the spectrum.
13.Feedback. This controls the amplifier’s sensitivity to the signal delivered to the power amp. If
there is a lot of Feedback (i.e., max) your amp will play cleaner and less aggressive. Less
Feedback (i.e., min) will create a stronger gain with more volume and greater
aggressiveness. The Feedback control can help you set the level of sensitivity for your style
Dirty Boy User Manual