User's Manual

STAR 3000 Installation Manual
Mojix Incorporated
(877) 886-6549
Confidential and Proprietary
The Mojix STAR system is a single network element at the enterprise edge. Based on Mojix's innovative
distributed architecture, a single system consists of one or more STAR units managing up to 512 low-cost
Mojix eNode transmitters. Mojix eNodes provide energy to all passive RFID tags within their specified
interrogation spaces, while the centralized, high-sensitivity Mojix STAR reads the resulting tag signals
from across the system's potentially vast coverage area of more than 250,000 sq. feet (24,000 sq.
Mojix eNodes: Distributed Transmitters
Mojix eNodes are reliable, autonomously operated RF repeaters designed to excite all EPC UHF Gen2
RFID tags within their designated interrogation spaces. Although excite ranges are dependent on tag
sensitivity, they can range to over 100 feet. Each eNode antenna excites all passive RFID tags within its
designated interrogation space and includes form factors to accommodate both fixed and mobile
infrastructures. eNodes can be deployed as needed to shape discrete, overlapping or contiguous
interrogation spaces, including configurations to create virtual fences for securing tagged items.
STAR Receiver: Centralized Read and Control point
The STAR Receiver functions as a single point of data collection, provisioning, control, and integration
with enterprise systems. With the ability to detect extremely faint signals and the freedom from
conventional RFID’s line of sight restrictions, the STAR receiver works in concert with its satellite eNodes
to support one or many business processes across the entire coverage area. The STAR Receiver
contains a 1 x 4 array assembly, and digital and RF processing assemblies. The STAR Receiver utilizes
classical, fully active, phased array antennas for enabling the visibility into the space dimension. The
smart array approach adopted by Mojix is based fully on digital processing techniques, thereby providing
very high resolution for estimation of direction of arrival of the signal of interest (SOI), enabling the system
to provide accurate location information on the tag position.
Master Controller
The STAR signal processing platform is linked to an edge appliance called a Master Controller (MCON),
and communicates via a standard wired Ethernet interface. The MCON can drive an arbitrary number of
STAR systems and includes interfaces to the enterprise middleware. In a larger enterprise deployment,
multiple STAR domains exist in various locations and can require one or more Master Controllers in a
clustered configuration.