User's Manual Part 2

In addition, the column where results are found and the EPC lter text area will have a distinctive mark:
Moreover, the number of Rounds, number of unique EPCs and the name of the program that is currently running are displayed.
At the end of the page a list with the tag reads is available with 3 columns: EPC, Read Rate and Read Count.
If there are no antennas selected in the basic settings page, a message should be displayed at the top of the page. In addition, the map, arrows, name of the antennas,
power and the buttons (Play, Stop and Clear) are disabled.
If the program is started from the “Antenna Deployment Test” page, any program running at the moment in the “Tag Viewer” is stopped and right after that the “Testba-
sic” program (advanced) starts running. However, if the basic program or any other (except Testbasic) is started from the “Tag Viewer”, the Antenna Deployment Test
remains stopped.