User's Guide

AirTight Management Console Configuration
Configure Email Recipients
Specify the e-mail addresses of the users that need to be notified on occurrence of certain events at the
selected location. The events for which e-mail is to be sent are configured under Configuration->Events-
>Email Recipients.
You can use the e-mail addresses available in the system or add an e-mail address that is not available in
the system.
Separate all the e-mail addresses using a comma or a space, or press Tab or Enter. Click Save to save
the changes made to the page. Click Cancel to cancel the unsaved changes on the page. Click Restore
Defaults to restore the default values of the fields on the page.
Configure Device - Server Communication Settings
Go to Configuration>System>Advanced Settings>Device Communication Key, to set or reset the
communication key used for the communication between the AirTight devices and the AirTight
Management Console server. The communication key is also used to encrypt the communication
between the AirTight devices and server. The communication can happen either using a key or using a
pass phrase.
Use Key for Device - Server Communication
You can set the key for the communication between AirTight devices and the AirTight server directly in
hexadecimals. Select this option if you are comfortable working with hexadecimals.
To set a hexadecimal key for device-server communication, do the following.
Go to Configuration>System>Advanced Settings>Device Communication Key.
1 Select the Key option to use a key for the communication.
2 Enter a 32 digit hexadecimal key in Enter Key.
3 Enter the same key again in Confirm Key.
4 Click Set to save the changes.
Use Passphrase for Device - Server Communication
You can set an alphanumeric passphrase for the communication between AirTight devices and the
AirTight server. Select the Passphrase option if you are not comfortable working with hexadecimals.
To set an alphanumeric passphrase for device-server communication, do the following.
Go to Configuration>System>Advanced Settings>Device Communication Key.
5 Select the Passphrase option to use a key for the communication.
6 Enter an alphanumeric passphrase in Enter Passphrase.
7 Enter the same passphrase again in Confirm Passphrase.
8 Click Set to save the changes.
Reset Communication Key
Click Restore Defaults to reset the communication key.