User's Guide

AirTight Management Console Configuration
exceeds 80%,the system performance may degrade and result in side effects such as sluggish UI and
sensor disconnections.
Under Automatic Synchronization Settings, specify the AirTight Management Console-WLC
Synchronization Interval, in minutes.
(Minimum: 15 minutes; Maximum: 60 minutes; Default: 30 minutes)
If the customer has some Lightweight Access Points (LAPs) whose type (like ap1030, ap1130) is not
supported by AirTight Management Console, then these LAPs can be supported by importing the WLC
configuration bundle received from the AirTight Support on request. After the bundle is received, select
Use Custom WLC Configuration and click Upload Custom Configuration File. The Import Custom WLC
Configuration File dialog appears. Choose the file and upload it. The custom WLC configuration file from
this bundle is used for all future WLC synchronization. The bundle is imported as .tgz.
If the file is not imported for some reason or if the file is corrupted, an error message is displayed.
Note: Only the superuser is allowed to import WLC configuration file. All other users, including the
administrator has only the viewing rights.
Add WLAN Controller
Under Wireless LAN Controllers, click Add Controller to open WLAN Controller dialog where you can
add WLC details.
You can add multiple WLCs to integrate with AirTight WIPS.
To add a Cisco WLC, do the following.
Go to Configuration>WIPS>WLAN Integration>Cisco WLC
1 Select the location for which you want to add a WLC
2. Click Add Controller. The Wireless LAN Controller dialog box appears.
3. Configure the fields in the Wireless LAN Controller dialog box as described in the table below.
Field Description
Controller (IP Address/Hostname)
IP address or hostname of the Cisco WLC with which AirTight
WIPS communicates.
Port Number Port number of the WLC from which data is imported.
SNMP Version
SNMP version.
Select SNMPv2 if the v2 is the SNMP version.
Select SNMPv3 if the v3 is the SNMP version.
Community String
User-defined community string using which AirTight WIPS
communicates with WLC. Default value is 'public'.
Data Import Enabled? Select the check box to enable import of data from WLC.
Import Managed APs Select this check box to import managed APs from WLC.
Import Managed Clients Select this check box to import clients associated with APs
managed by WLC.
Import Signal Strength Information
Select this check box to import signal strength information of
managed devices from WLC.
4. Click Save to add the details for a new WLC.
Edit WLAN Controller