User's Guide

AirTight Management Console User Guide
Manage AirTight Mobile Clients
AirTight Mobile provides wireless security for mobile computers.
It protects the sensitive data on laptops, computers and smart phones, and protects against wireless
AirTight Mobile integrates with AirTight Management Console. With this integration, it is possible to
centrally manage AirTight Mobile users. You can create client groups and apply common policies to them.
You can also have a centralized risk level management of the mobile computers and centralized audit of
wireless activity on mobile computers.
To configure the settings for AirTight Mobile - AirTight Management Console communication, see
To manage AirTight Mobile groups through AirTight Management Console, see AirTight Mobile groups.
To manage AirTight Mobile clients through AirTight Management Console, see Manage AirTight Mobile
AirTight Mobile Settings
Define the AirTight Mobile configuration parameters using the Configuration-> AirTight Mobile-
>Settings option.
A shared key is used for authentication of clients running AirTight Mobile. AirTight Mobile cannot connect
to the server for synchronization without a shared key. This shared key should be distributed to all the
users of wireless clients running AirTight Mobile.
Change Shared Key
Under Shared Key Authentication, select Change Shared Key check box to change the existing shared
Enter the Shared Key manually or click Generate Random Key to automatically generate a shared key
of up to 10 alphanumeric characters. AirTight Mobile clients connect to AirTight Management Console
with this key.
IMPORTANT: You need to be very careful about changing the Shared Key if it has already been
circulated to existing AirTight Mobile Clients. This is because, if you change the Shared Key, existing
AirTight Mobile users will not be able to connect to the server unless they reactivate their AirTight Mobile
Clients using the new Shared Key.
Configure Activity Parameters
Under Activity Parameters, specify the following.
Keep-alive Interval: Indicates the duration at which AirTight Mobile sends a heartbeat to AirTight
Management Console indicating that it is active.
(Minimum: 1 minute; Maximum: 30 minutes; Default: 2 minutes)
Keep-alive Heartbeat: Indicates the number of consecutive heartbeat packets missed by AirTight
Management Console before it declares that AirTight Mobile instance as inactive.
(Minimum: 2 heartbeats; Maximum: 10 heartbeats; Default: 5 heartbeats)
Synchronization Interval: Defines the minimum period at which AirTight Mobile synchronizes with the
(Minimum: 30 minutes; Maximum: 300 minutes; Default: 60 minutes)