User's Guide

AirTight Management Console User Guide
and WizShark opens up in a separate browser tab or browser window. You can then analyze the packet
capture file using WizShark.
Delete Packet Capture File
AirTight server maintains a packet capture history for the troubleshooting instances for a period of 30
minutes, after you stop troubleshooting.
You can delete this packet capture history from the server. The packet capture files are available in .pcap
To delete a packet capture file, do the following.
Select the required location from the location tree.
2. Click Devices.
3. Select the AirTight Devices tab.
4. Click the More>Previous Packet Captures option on the tool bar. The Previous Packet Capture
dialog box appears. The list of files is displayed with the file name, file size in KB, troubleshooting
start time and troubleshooting stop time.
Select the check box for the log file to delete. You can select multiple files to delete at a time.
6. Click the icon. A message to confirm the deletion appears
7. Click Yes to confirm deletion of selected files.
Upgrade or Repair Device
To upgrade or repair a device, do the following.
Click Devices.
2. Select the AirTight Devices tab.
3. Select one or more devices operating in the same mode.
4. Click the Upgrade software icon present on the toolbar.
5. Select the appropriate option from Upgrade, Repair, Cancel Upgrade, Cancel Repair, Cancel
Option Description
Upgrade to a newer software version for the device.
Cancel Upgrade
Cancel the upgrade after you have initiated it and the
upgrade operation is still in progress.
Fix the problem in the device software without change in
software version like applying a patch.
Cancel Repair
Cancel the repair after you have intiated it and the repair
operation is still in progress.
Cancel upgrade or repair as applicable while the
operation is still in progress.
Enable Pagination for AirTight Device Listing and Set Page Size
By default, the AirTight device listing in the upper pane is presented in a grid. You can scroll down to the
last AirTight device row in the upper pane without having to browse across pages. A paginated view is
also available if you want to view a page-wise list of AirTight devices. You can enable pagination for the
AirTight devices that are visible to you and configure the number of rows on each page in the upper pane.