User's Guide

AirTight Management Console User Guide
7. Click Test Settings to test the authentication options.
8. Configure the default role and locations for new LDAP users. They are described in the following
Field Description
User Role Attribute
The user role attribute string that the system uses to identify
a user’s role, as defined in the LDAP schema.
User Role
The default role for the new LDAP users. You can select
one of the following four options- superuser, administrator,
operator, viewer.
User Location Attribute
The user location attribute string that the system uses to
identify the locations where the user is allowed access, as
defined in your LDAP schema.
The location to which a new LDAP user has access rights.
You can select another location by clicking Change.
9. Click Save to save the changes.
Edit LDAP Server Access Parameters
To configure LDAP server access parameters, do the following.
Go to Configuration>User Accounts>LDAP Configuration option.
2. Make the required changes.
3. If you have made changes to the connection settings or the configuration settings, click Test
Settings to ensure that the new details are valid.
Click Save to save the changes.
Copy LDAP Configuration to Another Server
You can copy the LDAP configuration from one server to another server when both servers are part of the
same server cluster. You can copy LDAP configuration from child server to child server, parent server to
child server, or child server to parent server. You must be a superuser or an administrator to copy policies
from one server to another.
Note: When an LDAP configuration is copied to another server, the value of the Locations field in the
replicated policy on the destination server is set to 'root' (location).
To copy LDAP configuration, do the following.
Go to Configuration>User Accounts>LDAP Configuration on the parent server.
2. Click Copy Policy. The Copy Policies dialog box appears.
3. Select the server from which the LDAP configuration is to be copied.
4. Select the server to which the LDAP configuration is to be copied.
5. Click OK to copy the LDAP configuration.
Configure RADIUS Parameters
AirTight Management Console can use a RADIUS server to facilitate user authentication. Configure the
RADIUS server access parameters using the Configuration->User Accounts->RADIUS Configuration