User's Guide

AirTight Management Console Configuration
If you consider an SSID to be vulnerable to hackers, you can open the Hotspot SSIDs screen and enter
the SSID under SSID (ASCII character string).
Add Hotspot SSIDs
The system lists commonly known SSIDs by default. To enter a blank SSID: that is, with no string, click
<Add> without entering any text. The list shows the SSID as NULL.
To add a hotpsot SSID, do the following.
Go to Configuration>WIPS>Advanced Settings>Hotspot SSID.
2. Click Add New Hotspot SSID. The Add New Hotspot SSID dialog box appears.
3. Enter a new hotspot SSID and click OK. If an AP with a hotspot SSID is detected, the system
generates an event.
Search Hotspot SSIDs
To search for hotspot IDs, do the following.
Go to Configuration>WIPS>Advanced Settings>Hotspot SSID.
2. Type in the search string in the search SSID box and press the Enter key. A list of hotspot SSIDs
matching the search criteria appears.
To clear the search string, click the x icon next to the search SSID box.
Delete Hotspot SSID
To delete hotspot SSIDs, do the following.
Go to Configuration>WIPS>Advanced Settings>Hotspot SSID.
2. click Delete link for the SSID to be deleted.
3. Click Yes on the confirmation message to confirm the deletion of the hotspot SSID.
Restore Default Hotspot SSID list
To restore the default hotspot SSID list, do the following.
Go to Configuration>WIPS>Advanced Settings>Hotspot SSIDs
2. Click Restore Defaults. A confirmation message prompting you to confirm the operation appears.
3. Click Yes. The default hotspot SSID list is restored.
Copy Hotspot SSID List to Another Server
You can copy the list of hotspot SSIDs from one server to another server when both servers are part of
the same server cluster. You can copy a list of hotspot SSIDs from child server to child server, parent
server to child server, or child server to parent server. You must be a superuser or an administrator to
copy policies from one server to another.
To copy a list of hotspot SSIDs, do the following.
Go to Configuration>WIPS>Advanced Settings>Hotspot SSIDs on the parent server.
2. Click Copy Policy. The Copy Policies dialog box appears.
3. Select the server from which the list of hotspot SSIDs is to be copied.