User's Guide

AirTight Management Console Configuration
Manage WiFi Access
Wi-Fi profiles are used to define the Wi-Fi configuration of an AirTight Device in access point (AP) mode.
Wi-Fi Profiles are applied onto a radio of a device. The radio and the device must support access point
Wi-Fi Profiles can be created on any location.
Wi-Fi profile is a Wi-Fi network profile. The profile is a set of configuration parameters related to a
wireless or Wi-Fi network. It consists of security, network, captive portal, firewall, traffic shaping, QoS and
BYOD settings. A single Wi-Fi profile represents a VLAN. Multiple VLANs can be configured for a single
AP. Thus, you can have different VLANs to provide different services using a single AP.
Manage SSID Profiles
When an AirTight device is configured as an access point (AP), you can use the access point to provide
various services, in parallel. This means that you can divide a physical AP into multiple virtual APs. Each
virtual AP can provide a service independently, without interfering with the services provided by other
virtual APs on the same physical AP.
An AirTight device operating as an AP supports multiple VLANs created on the wired side.
A Wi-Fi Profile (or SSID profile) is a set of network properties that are configured on a virtual AP. One or
more Wi-Fi profiles could represent or map to a single VLAN.
Let us consider an example. You could have different VLANs configured on the wired side, of which one
is serving the general corporate network and ne is provisioning network access for guests. Using the
AirTight device that is configured to function as an AP, you can define 2 or more virtual APs mapping to
the properties of the VLANs on the wired side. The wireless clients wanting to connect to the corporate
network would use the Wi-Fi profile mapping to the corporate VLAN and the wireless clients wanting to
connect to the guest network would use the Wi-Fi profile mapping to the guest VLAN.
A virtual AP has the following features:
Supports Open, WPA (TKIP), WPA2 (CCMP),WPA/WPA2 (TKIP+CCMP) or 802.1x security. Distinct
virtual APs can have different security modes.
Can be used to provide distinct services that are independent of each other.
Maps wireless traffic from virtual AP to a specific VLAN so that data transmitted and received by
wireless client will be seen on only the specified VLAN. It will not appear on other VLANs.
Starting with AirTight Management Console 7.1 U2, AirTight APs support Hotspot 2.0 Release 1.
Configuring the Hotspot 2.0 settings on an AirTight AP enables Passpoint-certified mobile devices to
seamlessly connect to the AirTight AP without the need for authentication.
Configure Wi-Fi Profiles using Configuration>Device Configuration>SSID Profiles.
Important: You cannot configure BYOD settings and captive portal settings on the same Wi-Fi profile.
Each should be configured on independent Wi-Fi profiles.
Add Wi-Fi Profile
You can add multiple Wi-Fi profiles for an AirTight device operating in the AP mode. When in AP mode, a
single physical AP device can be logically split up into multiple virtual APs. Each wireless profile
represents the configuration settings of a virtual AP. Multiple virtual APs can be configured on a single
radio. Up to 8 such virtual APs can be configured using the Add/Edit Wi-Fi Profiles dialog box.