User's Guide

AirTight Management Console User Guide
Each Wi-Fi profile has a set of WLAN settings. Configure the WLAN settings for an AP in the WLAN tab.
You can configure the following settings for a Wi-Fi profile.
Security Settings: Security settings specify the type of security used by the AP to authenticate
wireless clients. For details on configuring security settings, refer to the Security Settings section.
Network Settings: The VLAN and DHCP settings for the Wi-Fi profile are configured under network
settings. For details on configuring network settings, refer to the Network Settings section.
Captive Portal Settings: To enable captive portal on the Wi-Fi profile for guest login, you must
configure the captive portal settings. These settings comprise splash page configuration, walled
garden settings, external portal parameters etc. For details on configuring captive portal settings,
refer to the Captive Portal Settings
Firewall Settings: Firewall rules for the Wi-Fi profile are configured under the firewall settings. The
incoming and outgoing traffic through a virtual AP can be controlled by defining firewall rules. For
details on configuring the firewall rules, refer to the Firewall Settings
SSID Scheduling Settings: If you want to limit the duration for which the SSID is active, you can
define a schedule for the SSID. You can also specify if an SSID is to be permanently active or valid
for only a limited time duration. For details on SSID scheduling, refer to the SSID Scheduling section.
Traffic Shaping & QoS Settings: Effective utilization of network bandwidth can be achieved by
setting an upload and download limit for the network, restricting the number of client association,
band steering and defining QoS parameters. You can configure these settings under traffic shaping
and QoS settings. For details on configuring these settings, refer to the
Traffic Shaping and QoS
Settings section.
BYOD- Device Onboarding Settings: These settings govern whether the wireless clients can
connect to APs in a corporate network. For instance, if the employees get their own smart devices to
office, the SSID profile can be configured to allow or disallow such devices from connecting to the
corporate network. You can also restrict access for such devices with the device onboarding settings.
For details on configuring these settings, refer to BYOD-Device Onboarding
Hotspot 2.0 Settings: If you want to deploy the AP in a Hotspot 2.0 operator's network such that the
AP functions as a Hotspot 2.0 AP, you must configure the Hotspot 2.0 settings as well. These are
configured in the Hotspot 2.0 tab. The Hotspot 2.0 settings are required only if you want to enable
hotspot 2.0 support on the AP; otherwise configuration of WLAN settings alone is sufficient. For
details, on configuring these settings, refer to the Hotspot 2.0 Settings
You can choose to collect analytics data for reporting purpose about the client-AP association.
Association analytics and content analytics can be collected if you enable the collection of these analytics
in the Wi-Fi profile.
Association Analytics comprises the data related to the client - AP communication. The following data is
collected as association analytics.
Client MAC address
SSID of the network to which the client connects
Location of the client
Start time of client association with the AP (GMT)
End time of client association with the AP (GMT)
Start time of client association with the AP according to local time of the user
End time of client association with the AP according to local time at the user
Session duration