User's Guide

AirTight Management Console User Guide
here. For example,,,
port number.
You can provide a comma-separated list of port numbers or port
ranges here. For example, 20-22, 80, 443.
if you want to block the traffic to or from the host option, select block. if
you want to allow traffic to or from the host, select allow.
network protocol. The following options are available.
TCP: If the rule is for TCP-based communication, select the TCP
UDP: If the rule is for UDP-based communication, select the UDP
Other: If the rule is for a communication based on a protocol other
than TCP and UDP, select Other. You must specify the protocol
number in this case.
Any: If the rule is for communication that is not protocol specific, select
the Any option.
protocol number. This field appears only when the selected protocol is
direction of network traffic. The following options are available.
Outgoing: If the rule is to be applied to data going out of your network,
that is, from wireless to wired, then select the Outgoing option.
Incoming: If the rule is to be applied to data coming into your network,
that is, from wired to wireless, select the Incoming option.
Any: If the rule is to be applied to both outgoing and incoming traffic,
select the Any option.
For instance, if you want to allow or prevent users of your wireless
network from accessing certain websites or domains, you can define
the respective rule with direction as Outgoing. Similarly, if you want
prevent certain hosts from accessing your wireless network, you can
define the rule specific to this host name or domain name with
direction as Incoming.
For example, if you want to allow all incoming and outgoing TCP requests from and to the host
'', ports 80, 25, 110, 465, 995, you will specify the rule details as follows.
Click Add New Rule to add the rule.
Specify an appropriate name for the rule in Rule Name.
Specify Host Name as ', Port as 80, 25,110, 465, 995 Action as Allow, Protocol
as TCP, Direction as Any. See the image below for the rule.
Firewall Rule
Click Save to save the rule.
Reorder Firewall Rules
If you have more than 1 firewall rules defined, you can reorder them.
Do the following to reorder the rules.