Data Sheet

Location failure data:
If it is WIFI positioning failure, the location data is as below:
The information of the scanned WIFI devices will be reported.
RSSI encoded rule: Convert to decimal, and minus 256, the unit is dBm.
If it is Bluetooth positioning failure, the location data is as below:
The information of the scanned Bluetooth devices which meet filter conditions will be reported.
RSSI encoded rule: Convert to decimal, and minus 256, the unit is dBm.
If it is GPS positioning failure, the location data is as below:
PDOP of GPS positioning failure encoder rule: Convert to decimal and divide by 10.0xFF means
that the PDOP is unknown.
C/N 0: Carrier over noise (dBm) for the strongest signal satellite seen.
C/N 1: Carrier over noise (dBm) for the 2
strongest signal satellite seen.
C/N 2: Carrier over noise (dBm) for the 3
strongest signal satellite seen.
C/N 3: Carrier over noise (dBm) for the 4
strongest signal satellite seen.
6.4 Shutdown Payload
Shutdown Payload will be sent in Port 4.
Shutdown type:
00 -- Bluetooth command to turn off the device
01 -- LoRaWAN command to turn off the device
02 -- Magnetic to turn off the device
Location Data
Byte 0~5
Byte 6
Byte 7~12
Byte 13
MAC address of
WIFI device 1
device 1
MAC address of
WIFI device 2
Location Data
Byte 0~5
Byte 6
Byte 7~12
Byte 13
MAC address of
Bluetooth device 1
RSSI of Bluetooth
device 1
MAC address of
Bluetooth device 2
RSSI of Bluetooth
device 2
Location Data
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4
PDOP of GPS positioning failure
C/N 0
C/N 1
C/N 2
C/N 3
Common header
Byte Index
Byte 0~2
Byte 1
Common payload header
Shutdown Type