Users Manual

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Smile. It’s that simple. As you breathe in and out
through your nose bring a gentle smile to your face.
A smile is such a simple and powerful way to spread
happiness in the world, and to ourselves. As you
continue to smile while watching the light pulse, know
that you are creating positive chemical changes
within your body. Recognise you have this power.
As you come to the end of your Moment, hold onto
the positive feeling your smile has created. Make
the decision that you are going to smile more and
frown less today; for yourself and for the benet
of everyone in your life.
Did you know when we smile we activate a ood
of feel good chemicals in our brain? Dopamine,
endorphins and serotonin naturally relax our minds,
our bodies, and lower our heart rate.
Relax your eyes and apply a soft focus to the Pebble.
Notice how you are feeling today. Activate your Pebble.
Bring your attention to your breath and follow the
light pattern.