Operation Manual

Please unfold page 3. Then you can always see the
operating elements and connections described.
1 Operating Elements and Connections
1.1 Front panel
1 Bass control (BASS) and treble control (TREB) for
the microphone channels MIC 1 and MIC 2
2 Volume controls (faders) for the input channels
3 Input selector switches for the channels CH 1 CH 4
4 Talkover switch for microphone announcements: in
TALK position the level of channels CH 1 CH 4
are attenuated by 15 dB.
5 Stereo VU meter for the output AMP (19)
6 Monitoring buttons to monitor the input channels
CH1–CH4 and the output channel via head-
phones connected to jack (16)
7 POWER switch
9 6.3 mm input jacks MIC 1 and MIC 2 to connect
mono microphones
10 LEVEL controls for both microphone channels
11 Crossfader for fading between two of the channels
CH1–CH4; the respective channels are selected
with both C. F. ASSIGN switches (12)
12 Selector switches C. F. ASSIGN to select two of the
channels for fading
C. F. ASSIGN A: position 1, 2, or 3 to select the
channels CH 1, CH 2, or CH 3
C. F. ASSIGN B: position 2, 3, or 4 to select the
channels CH 2, CH 3, or CH 4
If the respective switch is in “0” position, no chan-
nel is selected.
13 Fader for the output AMP (19)
14 3-way equalizer for the outputs; consisting of the
controls HIGH, MID and LOW
15 LEVEL control for the headphones connected to
jack (16)
16 6.3 mm jack to connect stereo headphones
(impedance ≥ 8 Ω)
1.2 Rear panel
17 Mains cable for the connection to 230 V~/50 Hz
18 Phono output jacks REC to connect an audio re -
cording unit; the recording level is independent of
the position of the MASTER fader (13)
19 Phono output AMP to connect an amplifier
20 Phono input jacks LINE A, LINE B, CD, and LINE
for the channels CH1–CH4 to connect units with
line level (e. g. tuner, CD player, cassette recorder)
21 Phono input jacks PHONO for the channels CH 1
and CH 2 to connect record players with magnetic
22 Connection for the common grounding point, e. g.
for record players
2 Safety Notes
This unit corresponds to all required directives of the
EU and is therefore marked with .
Please observe the following items in any case:
The unit is suitable for indoor use only. Protect it
against dripping water and splash water, high air
humidity, and heat (admissible ambient temperature
range 0 40 °C).
Do not place any vessels filled with liquid, e. g. drink-
ing glasses, on the unit.
Do not set the unit into operation, and immediately
disconnect the mains plug from the mains socket if
1. there is visible damage to the unit or to the mains
2. a defect might have occurred after a drop or simi-
lar accident,
3. there are malfunctions.
The unit must in any case be repaired by skilled per-
A damaged mains cable must be replaced by skilled
personnel only.
Never pull the mains cable to disconnect the mains
plug from the mains socket, always seize the plug.
For cleaning only use a dry, soft cloth, by no means
chemicals or water.
If the unit is used for purposes other than originally
intended, if it is not correctly connected or operated,
or not repaired in an expert way, there is no liability
for resulting damage to persons or material and no
guarantee for the unit can be taken over.
Important for U.K. Customers!
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accord -
ance with the following code:
blue = neutral; brown = live
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this
appliance may not correspond with the coloured
markings identifying the terminals in your plug, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. The wire which is coloured blue must be con-
nected to the terminal in the plug which is
mark ed with the letter N or coloured black.
2. The wire which is coloured brown must be con-
nected to the terminal which is marked with the
letter L or coloured red.
If the unit is to be put out of operation defini-
tively, take it to a local recycling plant for a
disposal which is not harmful to the environ-
The unit uses dangerous mains voltage.
Leave servicing to skilled personnel
only. Inexpert handling or modification of
the unit may result in electric shock.