Energy Guide

Tisk: èrn
Barva osnove:
rumena HKS3K
Tisk: èrn
Barva osnove: bela
Print: black
Basic colour: white
Print: black
Basic colour:
yellow HKS 3K
Dodelava: Etiketa obrezana na konèni format, luknjana 3mm
vstavljena vrvica dolžine 42 cm.
Etiketa tiskana dvostransko.
Completion: The labels cuted an final format, perfored with holes 3mm,
input string have length 42 cm.
The label is printed on both sides.
Risba je last GORENJA d.d. Vsaka zloraba te risbe, razmnoževanje,
prodaja tretji osebi ali uporaba v drugaène namene kot je bilo
dogovorjeno, je prepovedana!
This drawing is the property of GORENJE d.d., and
must not, without
our consent be copied, handed to other persons or
otherwise misused!
CAD/CAE Center
Format : A3

Summary of content (1 pages)