
Advantium Oven
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Problem Possible Causes What To Do/Explanation
Light during a This is normal. This is normal. The oven senses the
speedcook cycle Power level has been KHDWOHYHODQGDGMXVWVDXWRPDWLFDOO\
dims and cycles on automatically reduced
and off, even at full because the oven is hot.
power levels
Light visible around This is normal. When the oven is on, light may
the door and outer be visible around the door and
case while outer case.
Fan continues to run The oven is cooling. The fan will automatically shut off
after cooking stops when the internal parts of the oven
have cooled.
Oven vent emits warm This is normal.
air while oven is on
Fan comes on This is normal.
automatically when
using the microwave
The oven makes Clicks and fans blowing These sounds are normal.
unusual sounds are normal. The relay
while cooking board is turning the
components on and off.
Smoke comes out Food is high in fat Smoke is normal when cooking
of the oven when content. Aerosol spray high-fat foods.
I open the door used on the pans.
Food is not fully Programmed times $GMXVW WLPHIRUGRQHQHVVRUDGMXVW
cooked or browned may not match the size the upper or lower lamps for browning
at the end of a or amount of food you and doneness.
cooking program are cooking.
SENSOR ERROR Food amount or type Press the CANCEL/OFF pad. Set the
displayed along with placed in the oven does oven program to match the food
an oven signal not match the program or liquid to be cooked or heated.
that was set.
Steam was not sensed by Vent plastic wrap, use a looser lid
the oven because plastic or uncover liquids when cooking
wrap was not vented, a lid or heating.
too tight was on the dish
or a liquid was covered.