User Manual

Just as with filter envelope repeat, it’s possible to use
the amplifier’s envelope generator as a multistage LFO
for controlling amplitude. When amplifier envelope
repeat is enabled, then the delay, attack, hold, decay,
and release stages will loop continuously for as long
as the note is held. The shorter the envelope times, the
faster the loop will repeat.
To turn on amplifier envelope repeat, enable Shift
mode, press the BANK 4 and PATCH 3 buttons, and
press the C# key. Pressing the C key turns off amplifier
envelope repeat.
You can control whether the amplifier envelope is
triggered by the keyboard, by an external control-
voltage source, by both, or whether the amplifier is
unaffected by the envelope generator. Engage Shift
mode and press the BANK 4, PATCH 1, and PATCH 2
buttons. Pressing the low C key leaves the gate open
and bypasses the envelope generator. When you press
C#, only the keyboard or a MIDI signal will trigger the
envelope. When you press D, only a gate (CV) signal
routed from an external source to the GATE CV jack will
trigger the envelope. When you press D#, the keyboard,
a MIDI signal, or an external gate signal will trigger the
envelope (default).
By default, the Sub Phatty sends and receives data on
MIDI Channel 1, but you can set it to send or receive on
any MIDI Channel from 1 to 16.
To change the input channel, engage Shift mode and
press the BANK 1, BANK 4, and PATCH 1 buttons. The
next key you press will determine the input channel.
Pressing the low C selects Channel 1, C# selects
Channel 2, and so on, all the way up to D# above middle
C, which selects Channel 16.
Gate Open (EG bypassed)
Gate CV
KB, MIDI, or Gate CV
Shift mode lets you modify the Sub Phatty’s default MIDI settings. You can change the MIDI transmit
and receive channels, turn local control on and off, filter MIDI data, enable and disable fine-resolution
data recognition, and enable and disable the DIN or USB ports to send, receive, and merge MIDI data.
Changing some MIDI settings requires that you press two BANK buttons and one PATCH button in
Shift mode.
Channel 1
Channel 3
Channel 2
Channel 4
Amp. Env. Repeat OFF
Amp. Env. Repeat ON