User's Manual

Notice that it only takes incredibly small movements with your pitch
hand to play related note groupings. Subtly moving a knuckle or slightly
extending your pinky is all that is required to move to the next note, while
opening your fist and spreading out your fingers can raise the pitch of
your Theremini a full octave.
Clara Rockmore, widely
regarded as the most skillful
Thereminist in history, utilized
a technique with tiny knuckle
extensions. She would start
with a loosely closed fist,
uncurling her pinky, ring, and
middle fingers outward in
small steps while keeping her
index finger resting on the
thumb. As a beginning player,
this is a good place to start.
NOTE: Avoid large forceful hand
gestures, and focus on light
delicate movements. Imagine
tickling butterflies
rather than
clutching guitar strings.
The Theremin has been described as one of the most difcult instruments
to play due to the lack of a physical interface. Unlike an instrument that
provides physical feedback as to where each note is, the Thereminist
must rely strictly on his or her ears to determine where each note lies.
The most difficult obstacle to overcome is learning to control both
the pitch and volume simultaneously. While each gesture by itself is
quite simple, the two motions at the same time can feel a bit awkward.
Fortunately, all it takes is a little practice. If you use your hands to hold
utensils while you eat, you’ll be fine.