User Guide

pot map 2 source ------ key pitch
pot map 2 dest. ------- filter resonance
pot map 2 direction --- inverse
pot map 2 amount ------ off
pot map 3 source ------ mod. wheel
pot map 3 dest. ------- filter spacing
pot map 3 direction --- normal
pot map 3 amount ------ off
pot map 4 source ------ foot pedal 1
pot map 4 dest. ------- filter cutoff
pot map 4 direction --- normal
pot map 4 amount ------ off
midi clock divider ---- 24
preset name ----------- "Preset xxx" (xxx = act. program number)
"Default PROG"
pgm mod. wheel source - noise
pgm mod. wheel dest. -- lfo rate
pgm pedal source ------ noise
pgm pedal dest. ------- lfo rate
pgm shaping 1 source -- 0 (fixed value)
pgm shaping 2 source -- 0 (fixed value)
PRESET NAME is a function that allows the user to assign a name to a preset
containing up to 24 characters on two twelve character lines. Characters are selected
by moving the cursor to the desired character location and scrolling through the
character list. The cursor can be moved with the CURSOR button, or by tapping the
bottom half of the touchpad (referred to as T-S). Characters can be selected by using
the +/-1 button, or by moving your finger horizontally across the top half of the
touchpad. Available characters are:
<space> ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J
K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^_ ` a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z {
| } ~
The Voyager’s keyboard is also a data entry device for the naming of presets. It is
fortuitous that the number of white keys on the Voyager’s keyboard is 26 – the number
of letters in the English alphabet! Thus the lowest note, F = “A” and the highest note, C
= “Z” when used to enter letters in the Preset name function. The following is a list of the
keys and their functions: