User's Manual

Mini BLE
User Manual
V. Password Storage and Recall
While the Mooltipass
with any device
right out of the box, our app and extension make
things even easier when using your favorite web
For installation instructions, visit
After installing, simply visit any website login
page and enter your login and password. The
Mooltipass Mini BLE will then ask if you want to
store the website, login and password.
Click the wheel to approve storing your user ID.
Credentials can also be added directly using the
“Credentials” tab in the Moolticute App (see
section IV. of the Moolticute app User’s Guide)
Notification Mode:
Prompt Mode :
Once the website and credentials have been
stored, every time you need to login to that
website, the Mooltipass Mini BLE will either
notify or ask your permission to enter your
credentials for you.
Choosing between notification and prompt
mode can be done through the Settings menu as
described in section VIII a).