Operating instructions

It is recommended to label home made burned discs
with a permanent marker instead of adhesive labels.
These types of labels may become loose and cause the
disc to be stuck in the DVD player. This may cause
permanent damage to the DVD mechanism.
You may eject a disc at any time, even with the VES off
or Ignition off. To insert a disc, the ignition switch
must be in the ON or ACC position.
EJECT (EJT) Button
A CD/DVD disc may be ejected by pressing the eject
button on the front panel of the console. If you do not
remove the disc from the slot within 10 seconds, it will be
reloaded automatically and the display will show the
main DVD menu.
Remote Removal and Storage Instructions:
The VES comes with a built in storage compartment for
the remote control. To access this remote storage, fold the
screen down from the console. The remote storage com-
partment is located inside the screen storage area. When
the screen is closed into the console, the remoteis hidden.
To remove the remote, use your index finger to pull and
rotate the remote towards you. Do not try to pull straight
down asit will bevery difficult. When placing the remote
back into the storage area, simply reverse the procedure
used to remove it. Insert one long edge of the remote into
2 retaining clips first, and then rotate the remote back up
into the other 2 retaining clips until it snaps back into
position. See Figure 9.