Operating instructions

4. CD Changer (in radio): Ability to Disk Up/Down
and all listedCD controls (Fast Forward, Rewind, Scan,
and Track Up/Down).
5. SAT: Ability to SEEK, SCAN, TUNE, and recall
10-12 presets per tuner selection.
When the display screen is closed up into the console
VES automatically turns power off to the display. The
radio can still operate the VES for audio playback of CD
or DVD media even while the screen is closed. If a CD
audio disc is loaded into the VES player and the radio is
switched toVES mode,the radiocan stillcontrolthe VES.
Audio is heard through the vehicle speakers. The follow-
ing functions may be used by theradio to control the VES
while playing a CD-Audio disc.
A. Seek up/down tracks or MP3 files
B. Fast forward/Rewind within tracks or MP3 files
C. Random track/MP3 file selection
If the radio is in VES mode with VES playing CD-Audio
or MP3, the user may press the random button on the
radio. This will cause the tracks to sequence in a random
order. In this case, RND is displayed on both radio and
VES screens. The VES display will look like figure 4 to
indicate that random is active.
Figure 3: When VES is in same mode as the radio,
(Shared( will be displayed below the active tab.