Installation Instructions

Installation Guide
1. Unpacking
Please follow the diagrams to unpack your Performance loudspeaker. Gloves are included for your convenience.
2. Mounting Spikes
Mordaunt-Short has developed a proprietary stand specifically to obtain optimal performance from your Performance 2
loudspeaker. However, fitting the supplied, custom-designed Performance spikes for alternative stand-mounting requirements will
dramatically improve dynamics and overall imaging response of the product. To add the spikes, carefully lay the speaker on its side
and screw the spikes into the indicated positions. Adjust the height, making sure the speaker is stable, and then tighten the
locknuts. Now press firmly down on the speaker top to ensure it is properly grounded to the floor. If you are concerned about
marking your floor, place a coin under each spike.
3. Cabling
As a guideline you should budget at least 10% of the cost of your loudspeakers on the necessary cabling. Performance
loudspeakers have the capability for single and bi-wiring. The loudspeakers can also be bi-amplified. This can also be achieved with
the use of mono-blocks.
4. Positioning
As a starting point, form a triangle between the listener and the pair of loudspeakers where all sides of the triangle are of the same
length. Adjust the speaker and listener positions until you are happy with the sound. Adjusting the layout of your listening room will
also give great improvements to the acoustics.
Note: You will probably adjust the starting position during listening tests.
To Improve Suggestion
Bass Adjust distance between speakers and wall.
(Frequency 20Hz-500Hz, Adjust listening position forwards and backwards.
Wavelength 17m-0.7m)
Adjust position of large objects in the room starting at rear wall.
Mid-Band Adjust distance between speakers and side walls.
(Frequency 500Hz-5kHz, Adjust angle of speakers.
Wavelength 0.7m-70mm)
Adjust position of objects located by side walls.
Treble Adjust amount of soft fabrics/hard surfaces, etc. in room, starting with those nearest
(Frequency 5kHz-30kHz, the speakers.
Wavelength 70mm-17mm)
Adjust vertical angle of speakers by adjusting spikes.
Please bear in mind that adjusting one element of the listening environment will affect another. For example, increasing the
absorption for controlling the treble may make the mid-band or bass more noticeable. Remember to adjust only a little at a time and
to make only one change between listening tests.
Performance makes use of self-cancelling magnets. To avoid problems with stray flux the loudspeakers should be positioned at
least 10cm away from equipment sensitive to magnet fields such as CRT televisions.
5. Running In
It is important to allow your loudspeakers a running-in period of at least 100 hours. This allows the various materials to reach their
correct properties. Place your speakers facing each other, reverse the polarity on one speaker and play music, or preferably, a
special running-in signal through them. The audible output of the speakers is significantly reduced in this configuration thus enabling
use of a higher level signal.
For additional help with installation, visit