Product Manual

Transport and handling
Moving by site trolley / trailer
Before starting to tow do the following:
Fully raise the outriggers and lock the crank with its
Fully retract the outriggers up to snap the locking pins
Use the crank of the jockey wheel to raise / lower the
drawbar on the hook of the towing vehicle lock the
lock the hook
Connect the cable from the trailer to the towing vehicle
and make sure all the lights work properly
Make sure that the doors are locked
Check for proper tire ination of the trailer
the trailer can be driven only after you have done
the following:
• complete lowering of the mast
• engine shutdown
positioning of the oodligths for the transporta-
tion (see picture)
Road trailer (CTV):
14/10/13 M4.2-I_TF
It is homologated for use on public roads. The maximum
speed allowed is 80 km/h, in any case, the transporta-
tion laws in force in the place of use shall be respected.
Site tow CTL:
this trailer is made by the manufacturer, it can not be
towed on public roads. Therefore it can only be used on
private roads and no through trafc zones.
The maximum speed allowed is 40 km/h on smooth sur-
faces (asphalt, cement) and, in any case, the laws in
force in the place of use should be respected.
Always follow the directions below for any tipe of tow:
Do not park the machine (on trailer or site tow) on a
slant ground.
When parking always use the emergency/hand brake
and/or safety clamps.
DO NOT tow the trailer on bumpy roads.
Machine transportation by a motor vehicle
During the transportation with a motor vehicle it is
important to use appropriate belts/straps to stabi-
lise the unit, thus avoiding that unexpected jumps
or jolts can cause damage to the baseframe and to
the engine or even worse the loss or the overtur-
ning of the load. It is the carriers responsibility to
always respect the Highway Code in force.