User's Manual

3. Pre-Installation Procedures 3-7
© 2012 Moseley, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 602-16620-01, Rev. A
3.6.1 5.8 GHz Band
For fixed point-to-point applications in the United States the maximum EIRP (Effective
Isotropic Radiated Power) is unlimited when using directional antennas in accordance
with FCC part 15.247b(3). The EVENT 5800 5800 can be operated at its maximum output
power, +23 dBm, for maximum system gain. For external antennas, EIRP is calculated as
EIRP(avg) dBm = External Antenna Gain (dBi) + 23 dBm
For internal antenna (23 dBi) EIRP is calculated as follows:
EIRP(avg) = 46 dBm
3.6.2 5.3 GHz Band
In the 5.3 GHz U-NII band the peak EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) is limited
to +30 dBm at the antenna for bandwidths above 20 MHz and is reduced for narrower
bandwidths in accordance with FCC part 15.407a(3).
The installer is responsible during set up of transmit power to not exceed FCC limits on
transmission power. These maximum power levels are provided in Table 3-3 for both
internal antenna and external antenna configurations.
Note that though regulatory limits are stated in terms of peak power, the system
transmit power levels are calibrated as averaged power readings. Average power is used
for link calculations. Therefore the levels provided in the following table is average power
levels that have been certified to correspond with the maximum peak EIRP allowed. Internal Antenna
Table 3-3 indicates the maximum average transmit power setting that may be selected
EVENT 5800 5300 with internal (23 dBi) antenna.
The number of supported channels per band (low band or high band) is shown in the link
configuration wizard. The greater number of channels supported the lower the emission
bandwidth for each channel.
For link budget,
EIRP(Avg) = 23 dBi + Tx Power Setting (dBm). External Antenna
When using external antennas with gains greater than 23 dBi, the transmit power must
be reduced in dB from that given in Table 3-3 by the antenna gain difference above 23
dBi for the mode that is being used.
For example, using a 6 foot dish antenna with 37 dBi gain, the output power would be
dropped by:
Antenna Gain (External) 23 dBi = Antenna Gain Difference
37.6 dBi 23 dBi = 14.6 dB
For mode 100FE1 (single channel configuration with 30MHz emission bandwidth) the
power would be lowered from:
Tx Power (Internal Antenna) Antenna Gain Difference = Tx Power (External