User's Manual

D. Customer Service C-1
© 2012 Moseley, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 602-16620-01, Rev. A
Appendix C. FCC Applications Information
FCC Form 601
The DTV Link operates as Studio-Transmitter Link (STL). It is FCC type verified for use in
licensed Part 74 and Part 101bands of 7 & 13 GHz (6,425 to 6,525 MHz, 6,875 to 7,125
MHz and 12,700 to 13,250 MHz respectively). It is the operator’s responsibility to acquire
proper authorization prior to radio operation. This is accomplished by submitting FCC 601
Main Form and Form 601 Schedule I.
The main form is 103 pages. However for the Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Service,
only the following sections apply:
Form 601 Instructions (22 pages)
Main Form 601 (4 pages)
Schedule I Instructions (18 pages)
Schedule I Form with supplements (5 pages)
Form FCC 601, Schedule I, is a supplementary schedule for use with the FCC Application
for Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Radio Service Authorization, FCC 601 Main
Form. This schedule is used to apply for an authorization to operate a radio station in the
Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary Services, as defined in 47 CFR, Parts
101 and 74.The FCC 601 Main Form must be filed in conjunction with this schedule. The
forms may be found online:
FCC 601 Main Form
FCC 601 Schedule I Form for Fixed Microwave and Microwave Broadcast Auxiliary
The data that follows is intended to assist the user in completing the required information
in Form 601, Schedule I, Supplement 4 where the radio-specific information is required.
Form 601, Schedule I, Supplement 4 Information:
Item Description Entry for FCC 601 Sched. I, Supp. 4
4 Lower or Center Frequency
Enter the assigned center frequency in MHz
5 Upper Frequency (MHz) Not used here (leave blank)
6 Frequency Tolerance (%) .005%
7 Effective Isotropic Radiated
Power (dBm)
(Tx Output Power+ Tx ant. gain – Tx cable loss
+ 2.15) dBm
8 Emission Designator RF channel bandwidth(MHz)+”M0D7W”
e.g.: 25M0D7W
9 Baseband Digital Rate (kbps) See formula, below*
10 Digital Modulation Type QPSK, 16 QAM, 32 QAM, 64 QAM, 128 QAM, or
256 QAM
11 Transmitter Manufacturer Moseley Associates, Inc.
12 Transmitter Model EVENT 5800
13 Automatic Tx Power Control No
*Baseband Digital Rate (kbps) = RF channel bandwidth (MHz) x Baseband Efficiency
(bps/Hz) from table below x 1000 kbps/Mbps