User's Guide

3 . I n sta lla t ion 9
© 2 0 0 7 M ose ley, I nc. All Rights Re ser ve d. 6 0 2 - 1 4 8 8 6 - 0 1 , Rev. A
3 .6 .3 .2 Fa de Margin Ca lculat ion
The fade m argin is t he difference between the act ual received signal and the Event- HD
digital radios t hreshold for the m odulat ion m ode selected. The fade margin can be used
to det erm ine availabilit y and should be at least 10 dB for m ost cases but is ultim at ely
det erm ined by required application reliability.
3 .6 .3 .3 Ava ilability Calculat ion
Availability of the m icrowave path is a predict ion of the percent of tim e that the link will
operat e without producing an excessive BER due t o m ultipath fading. Availability is
affect ed by the following:
Path length
Fade m argin
Terrain (sm ooth, average, m ountainous, valleys)
Clim ate ( dry, tem perat e, hot, hum id)
Depending on the t ype of t raffic carried over t he link and t he overall net work design
redundancy, fade m argin should be included t o support t he desired availabilit y rat e.
Critical data and voice m ay require a very high availability rate ( 99.999% or 5.3 m inut es
of predict ed outage per year) . To im prove availabilit y, the fade m argin can be increased
by shortening the pat h lengt h, t ransm itt ing at a higher power level, or by using higher
gain ant ennas.
Availability can be com put ed using t he follow ing form ula, which is known as t he Vigants
Barnett Method.
Availability = 100 × (1 P)
P = 2.5 × 10
- 9
× C × F × D
× 10
( - FM/ 10)
Where F is t he frequency in MHz
D is t he dist ance in m iles
FM is t he fade m argin in dB
C is the clim ate/ t errain fact or as defined below:
Hum id/ Over Water: C = 4 (worst case channel)
Average Conditions: C = 1
Dry/ Mountains: C = 0.25 ( best case channel)
Exam ple: Assum e 21 dB fade m argin, over 5 m iles with average clim ate/ t errain. The
availability comes out to be 99.9986. This corresponds to the link being unavailable for
7.6 m inutes per year.