User's Guide

1 . Sa fet y Pr e ca ut ion s 1
© 2 0 0 7 M ose ley, I nc. All Rights Re ser ve d. 6 0 2 - 1 4 8 8 6 - 0 1 , Rev. A
1 .Safet y Pr ecautions
RF Energy H ealt h H aza rd
This sym bol indicates a risk of personal inj ury due t o radio frequency exposure.
The radio equipm ent described in t his guide uses radio frequency t ransm it t ers. Do not
allow people t o com e in close proxim ity t o the front of the antenna while t he t ransm itt er
is operat ing. The ant enna will be professional inst alled on fixed- m ounted out door
perm anent st ruct ures t o provide separation from any ot her ant enna and all persons.
W ARN I N G: RF Energy Exposure Lim its and Applicable Rules for 6- 38 GHz. I t is
recom m ended that the radio equipm ent operator refer t o the RF exposure rules and
precaut ion for each frequency band and ot her applicable r ules and precautions with
respect t o transm itt ers, facilities, and operations t hat m ay affect t he environm ent due to
RF em issions for each radio equipm ent deploym ent site.
Appropriat e warning signs m ust be properly placed and posted at the equipm ent site and
access entries.
Prot ect ion from Light ning
Art icle 810 of the US National Electric Depart m ent of Energy Handbook 1996 specifies
that radio and t elevision lead-in cables m ust have adequat e surge protect ion at or near
t he point of ent ry t o the building. The code specifies t hat any shielded cable from an
ext ernal ant enna m ust have t he shield directly connect ed t o a 10 AWG wire that connect s
to the building ground elect rode.
Do not t urn on power before reading Moseleys product docum entat ion. This device has a
48 VDC direct current input.
Prot ect ion from RF Burns
I t is hazardous t o look into or stand in front of an act ive antenna aperture. Do not st and
in front of or look into an antenna wit hout first ensuring t he associat ed t ransm it t er or
transm itters are switched off. Do not look into the waveguide port of an ODU (if
applicable) when the radio is act ive.